Friday, June 12, 2009

We Hold These Truths To Be Self Evident (After My Wife Yells at Me)

Time spent with my 6-month-old son while my daughter is in daycare is "quality time," not a "sausage fest."


Mrs_Thrillhous said...

The original term is just so vulgar. He's such a sweet little baby! It's better for those times you're with the guys.

Noah said...

I got yelled at for calling time with all 3 of my boys the "meat gallery," and since we spent a good deal of time in the toy room, I called it the "meat locker" all day. My oldest still calls it the meat locker. He does it now, though, because it makes his mom crazy.

Otto Man said...

There's a Vienna Sausage joke in here, but I'm obligated by the terms of Megan's Law not to make it.