Monday, June 04, 2007

Caption Contest

I'm ashamed we waited this long to use this picture in a caption contest, but the Joementum ain't what she used to be.

Have at him.


Otto Man said...

"But my mom says I'm cool!"

Noah said...

Seriously, though, which style of frames should I get to match the flak jacket? I was thinking something Terminator-esque, not so much Ice-Man from Top Gun.

Otto Man said...

"And now, when I try these on, I want you to call me 'Maverick.' No, seriously."

Bob said...

Hey, my good buddy John McCain said you have great prices.

You'll remeber him as the guy with a bunch of security behind him...yeh, like these guys behind me.

Isaac Carmichael said...

"So, do you take Americ...err...Canadian Express?"

Otto Man said...

Well played, Bob.

Anonymous said...

Whaddaya mean, you don't serve Jews*?

* it's entirely plausible

Anonymous said...

The rose-colored ones, please.

teh l4m3 said...

"I don't care that you don't have a flak jacket -- THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT...wing."