Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Go Cheney Yourself

In the latest development in the U.S. Attorney purge scandal, the Senate committee today heard testimony from Bradley Schlozman. If you've been following the scandal, you'll remember that Schlozman was one of the chief figures involved in suppressing minority voting.

But, as the video from today's testimony reveals, he's also apparently a twelve-year-old girl trapped in the body of a middle-aged dentist. Seriously, give it a listen. Between this eunuch and his fellow soprano Kyle Sampson, I'm seriously wondering if there was a policy in place at the DOJ that called for all male aides to be ceremonially castrated. If Monica Goodling was enough of a prude to cover the bare breasts on a statue of Justice, maybe she demanded that all the menfolk have their naughty bits removed as well.

Anyway, Schlozman's testimony was not just high-pitched, but high on fireworks. If you're interested, the fine people over at TPM have a nice segment of Sen. Pat Leahy efficiently ripping him a new asshole. Enjoy.


teh l4m3 said...

Well, in all fairness, David Sedaris also sounds like a twelve-year-old girl. But of course, he and his fellow travellers don't pretend to be manly he-men in their memos and e-mails...

Otto Man said...

Agreed on both counts.

Mike said...

Well, at least now we know there was a medical reason none of them served in the military.