Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The Did-Nothing Congress

Courtesy of TPM, I'm proud to present the last throes of the Republican Congress:
Republicans vacating the Capitol are dumping a big spring cleaning job on Democrats moving in. GOP leaders have opted to leave behind almost a half-trillion-dollar clutter of unfinished spending bills.

There's also no guarantee that Republicans will pass a multibillion-dollar measure to prevent a cut in fees to doctors treating Medicare patients.

The bulging workload that a Republican-led Congress was supposed to complete this year but is instead punting to 2007 promises to consume time and energy that Democrats had hoped to devote to their own agenda upon taking control of Congress in January for the first time in a dozen years.
These guys already accomplished the least amount of work in modern history and took the highest number of vacation days. I guess we shouldn't be surprised that they're abandoning ship before the job is done.


Anonymous said...

Ah, but this worst-ever bunch of slackers to ever control Congress made up in (ahem) quality what they lacked in quantity. Just look at the fabulous prescription drug assistance bill and so-called bankruptcy reform.

There's probably an element of spite at work here. Consider that 45 or so Republicans whose days on Capitol Hill are numbered might be using this dumping of budgetary bills as a means of saying "screw you all" to voters in their states and districts.

The reason: the unfinished budgetary bills are loaded with earmark goodies that will never get passed if left until Democrats take over.

Studiodave said...

I'm sure there will be ample time for ethic and corruption investigations. There always room for Jello!

teh l4m3 said...

Yes, courtesy of TPM. Funny how we'll never see this on MSNBC, and CNN's anchors seem to be under the impression that Democrats have already assumed power...

Otto Man said...

Yep, the networks will ignore this in order to follow more pressing news involving Britney or one of the lesser Baldwins.

And CNN has become seriously dumbed down in the last year. I don't know if it's official corporate policy over there, or if they're giving the anchors lobotomies or what. Sad, really.

Thank God MSNBC is starting to pick up the slack.

Mr Furious said...

Fine by me. I'd just assume nothing happen 'til next year anyway.

Otto Man said...

CNN had a report today on the top fifteen richest fictional characters. Fictional. You'll be alarmed to know that Lex Luthor is the richest.

Good to know there was nothing newsworthy going on in the world. No violence in the Middle East, no political news at home, nothing at all.

Sssh. Go to sleep, America.