Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Caption Contest

We tend to devote these caption contests to the current Decider, but since the laugh riot of the Bush administration won't last forever, we might as well try out some of the junior varsity squad.

You know the drill. Have at him.


Otto Man said...

"Let's see, I know the answer to this one. Uh, ... 9/11?"

Anonymous said...

"Yes, yes, I admit it: I married so often, but not so well."

Bird Spot said...

"OMG, taxes . I knew there was something big due today."

Mike said...

Rudy reacts predictably to military intelligence reports that "another 9-11" will not occur between now and the 2008 Election.

(His Mayor-at-Large plan, foiled again!)

Studiodave said...

"What with that towel on their heads? (Silence)

Take my wives.

Please. (Polite applause)

Thanks, I'll be at the Sands through Sunday."

Otto Man said...

"Dammit, I should've had the G-8!"

Thrillhous said...

"Man, did I drink too much ethanol last night."

Anonymous said...

"You're telling me they're Republicans now?"

Anonymous said...

"God dam it-I forgot to put my toupee on."