Friday, October 13, 2006

Air America Ventilator

Stereotypes. They help us understand the world. They can be right. For example, all Canadians are "painfully" well endowed. They can also be wrong. For example, Republicans are fiscally conservative.

So, it pains me to see conservative news outlets loving the news that Air America Radio has filed for Chapter 11.

Here we have the following: Democrats don't understand business & Democrats aren't supported by mainstream America. (If there were, they'd have advertising.)

I have been accused of being too much the pessimist, but this one stings.


Anonymous said...

The Air America station in my town, at least in the daytime when I can hear it, is jam-packed with commercials.

That's the good news, The bad news is that they've got some of the most godawful annoying, amateurish hack-job commercials I've ever heard. And the repetition rate is mind numbing.

Local advertising might be even more robust if the station didn't have to throttle down to 2.5 watts, or something like that, when the sun goes down. It would also help if they would put up a new coathanger aimed toward town and sufficiently lashed so it doesn't wander about when the wind blows.

In any case, we need Air America to thrive. They've got some good people and provide a good start toward balancing out the right-wing noise machine.

One way to help would be to chip in for their premium membership (I think that's what they call it) on their Web site.

Thrillhous said...

Lordy, are you right about those commercials. They're worse than the commercials you used to hear during breaks of radio broadcasts of NASCAR.

I've only ever listened to it on the web feed; you can't get the signal at all in the DC area, at least I can't.