Monday, October 02, 2006

South Carolina's The Best

All this sexual predatory stuff in the news reminded me of this article from America's finest news source.

And while I'm at it, here's a nice one on the state of our nation.


Otto Man said...

Atrios has a nice video clip of two party strategists going at it. The Democrat is mopping the floor with the competition, and then say, "basically, the GOP is the party of criminals and pedophiles."

High-minded discourse? Nah. But the GOP started this game of name-calling and character-assasination, and it's nice to see someone turn the smeargun back on them.

Otto Man said...

Clip here.

ORF said...

Ok, here is what I do not get about the dude im'ing the sixteen year old about sicko stuff: ELECTRONIC RECORDS NEVER GO AWAY!!!!!! Seriously, if you say it to some kid in a dark alley and it comes out, it's your word against his or hers. But TYPE IT OUT and the kid saves it and nails your ass. And not in the way that you want...