Monday, September 25, 2006

K.O., Indeed

I'm starting to sound like a broken record, I know. But go listen to Keith Olbermann. Yet another knockout.


Thrillhous said...


C&L has the Fox interview, if anyone hasn't seen it. Really worth a look. Clinton should start a boot camp for democrats to learn how to deal with the media.

Otto Man said...

Agreed. I've never used the phrase "then the president pimp-slapped him" before, but it would be applicable here.

Mr Furious said...

Yeah that FOX interview was great. I love how they keep trying to portray him as "unhinged" "Crazed" or "flew off the handle"... Clinton was cool, collected and took no shit. HE was clearly pissed, but he took Wallace apart piece by piece and continued to go after him even after Wallace tried to change the subject.

It was amazing. I wish there was anyone on the scene capable of handling themselves and the press that way.

Looks like Olbermann is starting "Beatdown Mondays."