Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Now Hear This, Pt. 2

The Bush administration keeps setting him up, and Keith Olbermann just keeps knocking them out of the park.

Update: Check out Wesley Clark and Max Cleland too. There must be something in the water.


Isaac Carmichael said...

Yes, he keps knocking them out of the park. Unfortunately, he gets about as much play as what ESPN gives the Devil Rays.

Whoa...I just equated a well- thought out, even-keeled, left-of-center viewpoint to the Tampa Bay Devil Rays...I think I'm getting a little too cynical!

Anonymous said...

Hoorah for Max Cleland. He lost his legs but he can still kick butt.

It would've been even better if Cleland had come on after that pompous windbag, Saxby Chambliss — whose only loss was any shred of decency he ever had on his way to the Senate.

Otto Man said...

Chambliss is coming up for re-election in 2008. I can't imagine that's going to be a good time to be an incumbent Republican.

I hope Cleland's itching for a rematch.

Anonymous said...

Cleland unseating Chambliss in '08 would be sweet indeed. Not only politically, but on some level as justice in the form of Chambliss being forced to give up ill-gotten gains.

Thrillhous said...

Another Olbermann hit! He's really on a roll. But like you said, OM, it's hard not to with the material our glorious leaders are giving him.