Thursday, September 01, 2005


So, we have one of America's greatest cities destroyed due in part to this Administration's willful neglect of numerous warnings and budget slashing to pay for rich people's tax cuts.

What do we hear from the Democrats?



Otto Man said...

Hey, hey -- that would be class warfare! And we all know that would be horribly, horribly wrong. And politically effective.

So of course the Dems won't say anything.

Thrillhous said...

I think if any dem were to be critical of the admin right now they'd get the "why do you hate america" treatment from most of the press, and before you know it the dem would be apologizing for his/her remarks.

Otto Man said...

I agree, Thrill. But in a week or so, they need to ram this up the administration's ass.

By the way -- huge spike in gas prices, right before Labor Day weekend; plus bush's weak speech, the guitar photo, and the ongoing chaos in Iraq. How much is Bush going to take a hit in the polls? The zombie Republicans would alone give him 35%, but I think that might be all he gets.

Going down....

Mrs_Thrillhous said...

For reasons I can't really explain, I'm watching O'Reilly.

He's interviewing Shepard Smith, who's in New Orleans. His bug eyes are bigger than usual--he seems to be honestly shaken by what he sees and, like those pesky MSNBC/CNN librulz, is wondering where all the help is.

Shepard expresses disgust that, in this great country of ours, there's a corpse lying on an interstate like a piece of garbage. O'Reilly later refers to it casually as some "dead guy," and asks what he died of.

I think there was more outrage over Schiavo dying than all these urban folk.

O'Reilly is now interviewing a privileged white guy who evacuated --kudos to him! Oh! O'Reilly just called his exit an "adventure"!

Mrs_Thrillhous said...

Did I just hear O'Reilly's friend laughing about how neat it was that people holed up in their attics were joined by "creepy crawlies like you wouldn't believe"??

Thrillhous said...

I knew you had a strong stomach, Mrs T (you did marry me, after all), but watching O'Reilly? You be tough.

It really was something last night seeing so many of the usually compassionless news people getting choked up about what they were seeing.