Thursday, August 31, 2006

Now Hear This

Keith Olbermann. Trust me. Go now.


Mr Furious said...

Is there an Emmy category for "Fucking Badass"?

Keith Olbermann deserves to be doing the news in an era where he would be one of three guys on television, not marooned on a second-rate cable network.

Olbermann humbly quotes Murrow at the end of that piece, and claims not to be worthy of the words. He's wrong. He is. And he's the closest thing to a modern-day Murrow we've got.

Bob said...

I second the comments of Mr. Furious.

Now if people could just hear Olbermann and understand him.

Thrillhous said...

Keith Olbermann deserves to be doing the news in an era where he would be one of three guys on television, not marooned on a second-rate cable network.

You said it, Mr. F.

That was great. Thanks for the link, OM.

Thrillhous said...

Kos has up the transcript, should you want to forward it to friends. (No way will my conservative friends watch that traitor Olbermann, but I can fool them into reading excerpts of a transcript).

Mr Furious said...

Completely off-topic:

OM, have I pointed you to The Mighty MJD He's a contributor at Deadspin, and in the same vein as KissingSuzyKolber...

Otto Man said...

I've actually stumbled across MJD through the KSK links, but always worth another visit. That Sprewell choking story is great.

Anonymous said...

I thought I posted earlier, but I guess it got lost in the tubes:

What an outstanding oration by Olbermann. Just outstanding. Like "J'accuse" and "Have you no sense of decency?" sometimes we need one brave voice to fire a shot accross the bow.

Olbermann, suffering on MSNBC (or wherever he is) probably doesn't get enough viewers to have the influence of Zola or Welch, but it's a great step in the right direction.

I love it.

Noah said...

Truly, if the "libruls" owned the media as is so loudly perported by, Olbermann would have Katie Couric's job. Brian Williams may barely deserve his spot, but Olbermann does what journalism is supposed to do. Instead? A lady with 35,000 really huge white teeth and a photoshopped portrait.

Otto Man said...

I just watched it a second time, and it's even better.

I love the way he turns the trite WWII metaphors around and beats the everloving shit out of them with it. And having dispatched their arguments, he then reminds them what democracy and fascism really mean.

Crap, I may have to go watch it again.

Anonymous said...

Otto & Furious-

The Sports Pickle is also pretty funny.

I think DJ Gallo, that guy who writes for Page 2 is the writer.

Otto Man said...

Thanks for the tip, Mike. Always looking for more ways to waste my time.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more with all the kudos. IMO, that was the best piece of TV news commentary since Murrow.

Olbermann's inbox was bombarded with thousands of attaboys, and rightly so. He probably won't get to mine before the end of the year, if he gets to it at all. But I'm still glad I sent it.