With the Decider getting ready to sell an unconvinced nation on his plans for Operation: Double Down, I thought this image I stole from Norbizness would be fitting for a caption contest.
If you need inspiration, check out the latest over at TCR. Apparently, a key motivation for the bold, stupid direction of President Take My Ball and Go Home is ... spite.
"Man, I hope Karen Hughes isn't hiding in there again."
OK, time to turn on the old Wiggum charm...
"Dammit! I thought I told them to bring out the extra big podium!"
Oh boy, I'm a gonna' catch some heck from my Christian constituents when they notice I don't end the speech with "God Bless 'Mer'ca"
"Let's see ... blank expression, check. Monotone voice, check. Vapid blinking eyes, check. It's time to go reassure the nation."
He certainly didn't bring the A-game mojo last night, did he, OM?
He was so monotonous I started watching his blinking to see if he was sending out a morse-code S.O.S.
How'd you like him leaving out the usual "God" reference, instead closing with some dog-whistle invocation of "the author of liberty"?
Hey man! You lay off dogs. They've done nothing to deserve that comparison.
Condoleezza Rice reserves her Mona Lisa smile for one occasion: when she's got an unoccluded view of Bush's stinkeye.
Man, that really is a creepy smile on Condi's face.
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